Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today Gary and I put our new back packs to the test, both packs faired well. We have all the items we need and each has it's place in a pack. I was excited to see how much we could fit in our packs.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Planing mode

The count down begins for Gary and I as we travel to Europe. Next Tuesday we will fly to Paris and arrive the following morning. We have been researching the areas of Europe to help us in our journey, including the usual Frommers, Rick Steves to the Lonely Planet and Hostels online. Even Google maps with the photo and video inserts has given us some good starting points and of coarse, our friends and family have been great resources as well. The only planning has been for the first few days and last day in Paris. A EuroRail pass is our primary means of transportation and from there, our dreams and fancy take over.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Journey Begins

As Gary and I begin the next phase of or lives, we invite our friends and family to participate. Feel free to connect with us as we travel through Europe and beyond.