Tuesday, October 21, 2008

D_Day and Normandy

October 21, 2008
Our trip to the beaches of Normandy was both beautiful and sobering. We took a van tour that included the Arromanchesles museum, German Battery near Allemandes, Omaha cemetery, Omaha beach and Pointe Du HOC. Much of the areas surrounding HOC and Omaha beach have been left intact. You will see in the pictures the holes made by shelling of the German battery in HOC and the hills around the beach have been restricted to keep the area close to what it was on June 6, 1944. We shared the tour with another couple, Mary and Dave from NY. Mary’s father also landed at Omaha beach around the time my father landed. Her father was injured near the town of Bayeux. The trip is deep with emotion and I’m glad we went.

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