Sunday, October 12, 2008


October 12, 2008

Today in our travels to Nice, I had my second encounter with a pickpocket. This time it was someone else leaving the train station. A women walking next to me had a large purse and roller bag and had just carried her bag up the steps when a young women came up from behind and reached down into her purse and was gone in a flash.
My first encounter was with a person trying to pick my pockets (backpack) on a bus. We were at a crowded stop and a man started to shove his way on the bus pushing me aside. I gave him a good hard push back and moved us both onto the bus steps. He then dropped his umbrella across my legs with what he thought would block my path, it did not and I plowed ahead. He ran in front of me and again blocked my way. I shoved past him and after a few seconds he left the bus and the person directly behind me informed me that my pack was open. Nothing was taken. I carry nothing of value in my pack so nothing was hurt. Just another part of the European experience.
As for Nice, it is warm and sunny with lots of beautiful people and the food is French again. That is a good thing but I will miss the excellent Italian coffee, which to Gary and I, is the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see that the both of you are have a fantastic experience. I would almost have to say you are professional photographers, or maybe your scanning post cards. (HAHA) Anyway, watch out for those thieves, or maybe they should watch out for you.